Village Concept

Village Design Review Committee Cascade Concept

Cascade Village Concept
Cascade’s B-1 Village District and strategic B-2 sites
Estimated Completion: 2025
Funding Source: Cascade Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

The Cascade Township Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has partnered with OHM to create a plan and implementation strategy for the Downtown Development Authority/Cascade Road Corridor with emphasis on the “village” area.  This will provide Cascade with the tools needed to make future decisions that will be critical in developing/redeveloping Cascade’s Downtown Village. OHM will be preparing a series of planning diagrams, explanations, and an analysis of the corridor to present to Township staff and the DDA. They will provide a general understanding of the issues related to underutilized property, connectivity, multi-modal transportation, land use, site design, amenities, and the regulatory framework.

The concepts will include recommendations for riverfront development, public space, public-private partnerships, mixed-use redevelopment, parking, amenities, land use, access, roadway/streetscape configuration, and other elements as identified in the process. These highly illustrative concepts will clearly outline potential options in order to frame discussions around a preferred development/redevelopment and land use/development strategy for the study area.

For further questions about the Village Concept  contact Planning and Community Development Director Hendricks at (616) 949-0224 or email her at