Brownfield Redevelopment Authority

The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) was established by the Cascade Charter Township board in 2020 to promote the revitalization, redevelopment, and reuse of commercial and industrial property within the Township that is environmentally contaminated, blighted, or functionally obsolete. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority may implement brownfield redevelopment plans, investigate sites regarding environmental contamination, and utilize tax increment financing to assist with the remediation of a site and its redevelopment.

Under the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, 1996 PA 381, as amended (Act 381), a BRA can:
  • Use the tax increment revenue from the increase in local taxes for “eligible activities” like environmental due diligence and cleanup, demolition, and lead, asbestos, and mold abatement costs.
  • Use the tax increment revenue from the increase in state school taxes (operating and state education tax - a total of 24 mills) for the same eligible costs, with approval from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for environmental eligible activities, or from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) for non-environmental eligible activities.
  • Use the state and/or local tax increment for site preparation and infrastructure if the property is located in a qualified local governmental unit or owned by a land bank.
BRAs are also eligible to apply for EGLE and MEDC brownfield and revitalization grants and low-interest loans and US EPA brownfield grants.

Brownfield Plans

The Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, 1996 Public Act (PA) 381, as amended (Act 381) (Michigan Compiled Law [MCL] 125.2651 through 125.2672) authorizes Brownfield Redevelopment Authorities (BRAs) to approve Brownfield Plans and Act 381 Work Plans that help revitalize, redevelop, and reuse contaminated, blighted, functionally obsolete, or historic resources. Under Act 381, eligible school and local tax revenues can be captured and used to reduce the burden of brownfield-related costs when redeveloping affected properties through a process called tax increment financing (TIF).

Complete Brownfield Plans
Robinson Dental Development
5749 28th Street SE, Cascade Township
Robinson Dental Brownfield Plan

Brownfield Authority Board

Michelle Kleyla, Chairperson
Aaron Mead, Vice Chair
Grace Lesperance, Secretary
Chris Noordyke
Kathy DeVries
More Information
If you have any questions or may be interested in learning more about Brownfield options, please contact the Township Manager at (616) 949-1500.
The BRA Board has posted their meeting agendas, minutes and packets in the Reference Desk section of the website.  

Additional Information

BRA Bylaws
Act 381 Work Plan Guidance
Adopting a Brownfield Plan
Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act
Map of Contaminated Sites
Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
Michigan Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE)